How to Structure a local Club:

Local clubs consist of a group of players that gather and play the game of Foosball. The club should support organized play either in regular tournaments or league play. This page provides resources to help clubs better organize and provide a better playing opportunity for the players.

This page will focus on the types of games and structure for a “foosball” night for clubs to organize for players to participate on. Details on how to organize the club with regards to locations, venues, and table ownership, contact TSAC here and we can offer advice on how to set up your club in your city.

Foosball Nights can be typically categorized in one of two ways – Structured and Informal competition – think of a league night with fixed teams vs. a drop-in tournament like a DYP.

As a promoter, it is important to be consistent in your approach, with regards to start times, rules, and game play. Obviously, you need to treat your player base with compassion and fairness.

League Play - This is a foosball night where teams of various sizes, 2, 3, or 4 gather to play a fixed number of games against 1 or two other teams. Typically the games are of various different styles – Singles, Doubles, Roto Doubles, 2 Ball rollerball, or Specialty Singles. See this write-up from Chris Thomas at Ottawa Foosball on how they structure the league to maximize competitiveness for their pro players while ensuring the new players are having fun.

Tournament Night – Draw Your Partner (DYP) nights. These are nights where the clubs get together to play foosball in an informal weekly competition. The most popular format for this is a Draw Your Partner (DYP) where teams of two are picked at random and then a double elimination knockout format is followed. There are several variations to this format that have appeared over the years. Some popular ones are played here using the Foos Kicker app. It is great at running the event and providing a variation to the weekly tournament.